Select Criteria: Tracks = STEAM / Sustainability

Monday, October 24, 10:00 AM - 10:50 AM

  • Room: 321
Sustainable Jersey's technical assistance (TA) program gives districts hands-on support to help complete Sustainable Jersey energy actions, including the Energy Tracking and Management and the Energy Efficiency for Facilities actions. This session will feature school representatives sharing their experiences with TA for energy projects....
Corey Lowell
Business Administrator
Shore Regional Bd of Ed
David Joye
Business Administrator
Fair Haven Boro Bd of Ed
Mr.  Greg Reinert
Outreach Account Manager
NJ's Clean Energy Program
Nancy Quirk
Senior Energy Program Manager
Sustainable Jersey
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Monday, October 24, 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

  • Room: 305
The Sustainable Jersey Grants Program offers annual grants ranging from $2K to $10K that can be used to advance sustainability initiatives in public schools. This Action Lab provides an overview of funding opportunities and how to apply, along with tips for crafting an effective proposal....
Ms  Kaitlyn Vollmer
Grants Program Manager
Sustainable Jersey
Maria Spina
Program Manager
PSEG Foundation
Renee Haider
Deputy Director
Sustainable Jersey for Schools
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Monday, October 24, 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

  • Room: 421
Empower students to take action to combat climate change by using your district’s buildings and grounds as learning laboratories. We’ll explore how to forge partnerships with educational institutions, government agencies, and environmental organizations....
Ms  Allison Mulch
Director of Education
New Jersey Audubon
Dr.  Lauren Madden, Ph.D.
Professor of Elementary Science Education
The College of New Jersey School of Education
Randall Solomon
Executive Director
Sustainable Jersey
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Monday, October 24, 3:10 PM - 4:00 PM

  • Room: 321
Sustainable Jersey has partnered with Rutgers Cooperative Extension to study and test best practices for reducing school food waste in three public school districts. Discover lessons learned from food waste audits, education, and operational changes to food service and waste management in efforts to cut waste from school meals....
Amy Rowe
Associate Professor / County Agent
Rutgers Cooperative Extension
Ann Degnan
Asst. School Business Administrator of Facilities
Long Branch Bd of Ed
Erica DeMichele
Delran Bd of Ed
Veronique Lambert
Program Manager, Schools Outreach, Training & Special Projects
Sustainable Jersey
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Tuesday, October 25, 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM

  • Room: Atlantic Avenue Learning Lab
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  • Room: Tennessee Avenue Learning Lab
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Tuesday, October 25, 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM

  • Room: Student Innovation Showcase, Exhibit Floor
The STEAM Tank Challenge encourages students to apply science, technology, engineering, arts, and math (STEAM) in response to world issues. The challenge is open to K-12 public school students in New Jersey. It lets students contribute to making the country sustainable, healthy, equitable, and safe. The program encourages students and... Read More
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Tuesday, October 25, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

  • Room: 315
In this workshop, successful energy management staff will highlight energy management best practices and strategies to save energy and money, while improving indoor air quality and making school facilities more comfortable. The workshop will include an overview of funding options and incentive programs....
Mr.  Adam Nasr
Director of Facilities
Middletown Township Public Schools
Ann Degnan
Asst. School Business Administrator of Facilities
Long Branch Bd of Ed
John Blair
Jackson Twp Bd of Ed
Michelle Rossi
ESIP Coordinator
New Jersey Board of Public Utilities
Nancy Quirk
Senior Energy Program Manager
Sustainable Jersey
Mr.  Rodney L Williams SFP, CEFM
Director Of Energy and Sustainability
Newark Bd of Ed
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Tuesday, October 25, 11:00 AM - 11:50 AM

  • Room: 409
Making educational facilities energy efficient reduces gas and electric costs while reducing carbon emissions. This presentation will reveal simple and effective steps to make educational facilities more energy efficient. Attendees will learn about energy audits, potential savings, and where to find grant opportunities to implement solutions for PSE&G programs....
Michael Savage
Manager Program Implementation - Energy Efficiency Services
Stacy Haggerty
Manager Program Implementation - Energy Efficiency Services
Public Service Electric & Gas Company
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Tuesday, October 25, 12:15 PM - 1:45 PM

  • Room: Investors Bank Theater, Exhibit Floor
Join us for the 2022 Sustainable Jersey for Schools awards ceremony on the Main Stage, October 25 at 12:15 PM. We will recognize 158 schools that earned bronze and silver certification, 13 schools that earned a Digital Schools Star, as well as recipients of the Sustainability Champion and Sustainability Makes... Read More
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Tuesday, October 25, 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

  • Room: 317
This workshop will shine light on parallels between music and STEM by looking at the similarities between the habits of mind. Participants will be offered strategies to make connections between music and STEM standards, disciplines, and objectives....
Shawna Longo
Arts Integration/STEAM Specialist
Morris Plains School District, Hopatcong Borough Schools

Tuesday, October 25, 3:00 PM - 3:50 PM

  • Room: 421
School buildings and grounds provide opportunities to engage students, staff and the community in real-world learning about sustainable practices. Learn how the Sustainable Jersey for Schools program promotes this approach with examples from schools that include initiatives for energy conservation, waste management, and gardening....
Elysia Caraballo
Director of Community Schools
Newton Public Schools
Ms  Francesca Arato
Associate, Local Education Project Leader
Alliance to Save Energy
Kelly Stone
George Catrambone Elementary School
Veronique Lambert
Program Manager, Schools Outreach, Training & Special Projects
Sustainable Jersey
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Wednesday, October 26, 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM

  • Room: Student Innovation Showcase, Exhibit Floor
The STEAM Tank Challenge encourages students to apply science, technology, engineering, arts, and math (STEAM) in response to world issues. The challenge is open to K-12 public school students in New Jersey. It lets students contribute to making the country sustainable, healthy, equitable, and safe. The program encourages students and... Read More
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Wednesday, October 26, 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM

  • Room: Pacific Avenue Learning Lab
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  • Room: Atlantic Avenue Learning Lab
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Wednesday, October 26, 11:00 AM - 11:50 AM

  • Room: 421
The climate change components of the K-12 New Jersey Student Learning Standards, adopted in 2020, equip students to combat climate issues, thrive in a green economy, and lead the state in building a sustainable future. See how to implement standards and get resources for professional learning, lesson planning, and community-based... Read More
Dr.  Lauren Madden, Ph.D.
Professor of Elementary Science Education
The College of New Jersey School of Education
Rosalie Morillo
Program Manager, Schools Content and Special Projects
Sustainable Jersey
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Wednesday, October 26, 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM

  • Room: Student Innovation Showcase, Exhibit Floor
30 minutes to change the lives of your students...

Wednesday, October 26, 1:45 PM - 2:35 PM

  • Room: 401
Prepare to make the transition to electric buses. Learn how to assess bus routes and your existing fleet so you know which buses to replace. Learn about state and federal incentives, and guidance on installing the EV charging infrastructure needed for electric buses....
Chuck Feinberg
NJ Clean Cities Coalition
Peg Hanna
Assistant Director, Air Monitoring and Mobile Sources
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
Tracey Woods
Project and Research Specialist
Sustainable Jersey
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Wednesday, October 26, 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Wednesday, October 26, 2:30 PM - 3:00 PM

  • Room: Ocean Avenue Learning Lab
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  • Room: Tennessee Avenue Learning Lab
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