Arts High is a co-curricular program designed specifically for the artistically gifted and talented student in grades 6-12. Arts High is administered by Teen Arts NJ formerly known as the Arts & Education Center currently celebrating 54 years as a leader in gifted arts education. Interested students must register and participate in auditions being held the first two weekends of December 2022. If selected, high school students attend the program for fourteen weeks while middle school students attend for twelve weeks. In-person classes will begin in January 2022. The Arts High program currently serves students in Middlesex, Monmouth, and Union Counties. Teen Arts NJ Arts High program offers classes in the literary, visual, and performing arts taught by professional artists in their field.
Teen Arts NJ also organizes the New Jersey State Teen Arts Festival - a 3 day in-person celebration and adjudication of the best artistic work New Jersey's teen artists have to offer.